Volume rollover failure


Insufficient privileges


Error: failed to active volume:there insufficient read/write/delete permissions on volume store/index


Diagnosis: When MailArchiva performs a rollover, it must create a directory for the volume index and store path. After creating each directory, it checks if the path exists, is writeable, is readable, and whether its usable space has at least 52428800 bytes (i.e. 52,4288 MB). The error above will be outputted if any of these conditions are not met.


Resolution: Check the read/write permissions on all parent directories pertaining to the volume store/index path to ensure that the MailArchiva process has sufficient read/write access. Ensure that the operating system umask is set to a value that will make the newly created directories both readable and writeable. Ensure there is sufficient disk space available on the volume store/index path.


Multiple empty volumes created due to insufficient disk space


Error: The storage on the drive was full and MailArchiva kept creating volumes, but due to the drive not having enough storage, those volumes could not store emails. This led to many empty volumes being created.


Resolution: To recover from this unfortunate situation, stop the MailArchiva service, edit C:\ProgramData\MailArchiva\ROOT\conf\server.conf (Windows) or /etc/opt/mailarchiva/ROOT/server.conf (Linux) using a text editor such as Notepad++, search for lines like:




Delete all the lines with the empty volumes, and make sure that all associated keys are suffixed in sequential numbering. e.g


# volume 1



# volume 2



After deleting all the empty volume lines, ensure that the number suffixes are sequential... (i.e. 1, 2, 3, ) without any gaps. Delete the empty directories from the store and index paths on the file system.  Restart  the MailArchiva service. If you are running an older version, upgrade your software. This issue was resolved some time ago.

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