Cannot Import Emails

Out of Disk Space / Full Queue


When importing large amounts of data, MailArchiva may temporarily fill up the index queue until it reaches a maximum configurable size. This can happen when importing data from very fast import sources (such as EML imports from disk), as the time taken to move the import data to the receive queue is much faster than the time it takes to index, compress, encrypt and store the data in the volume store. If disk space is an issue, either move the queues to a separate partition/disk with more space by editing bootstrap.conf file in /etc/opt/mailarchiva/ROOT (C:\ProgramData\MailArchiva\ROOT\conf) and restart MA, or reduce the max size of queue in Configuration->General, Index tab. Generally, its a good idea to place the queues on a separate disk partition so that the server can continue to function effectively in the event the queues become full.





Import Files In Sub Directories Not Processed


Enter a "*" in the Include Directories field.


File Too Large To Be Uploaded


The import file may be too large to upload when using the "import from client" option. In this case, copy the file to a local directory on the server (e.g. C:\mbox), and choose the "import from server" option.


Insufficient Read Permissions/ Emails Not Accessible From Remote Path


MailArchiva may not have sufficient rights to read the import files. This often happens if the import files reside on a remote network drive. It can also happen if the import files are copied from another location on the network. In this case, one needs to verify the Windows read permissions on the import folder and files.


By default, the MailArchiva process runs under the Local Account. This account may not have sufficient privileges to read from a network share. Thus, to complete, stop the server, and edit the MailArchiva Service properties from the Windows Services Applet. Change the Logon As a Service Account to a domain account with sufficient rights to read from the remote drive. Thereafter, restart the MailArchiva service.


Note: Often installers assume that an account has sufficient rights to read from a directory when in fact it does not. To verify, logout of the workstation and log back in using the service account. Try and access the UNC path containing the import files using Windows explorer. If a sample import file cannot be opened, file and directory permissions need to be rechecked to ensure they are in fact readable.


Note: On Linux, remote paths need to be mounted on the OS level (or in the MailArchiva GUI with appliance mode enabled on Ubuntu server).


Include Issue

Use these parameters in the import:

Message Source: .PST files
File Extensions: *.pst
Include Directories: *
Exclude Directories: <leave empty>


Memory Issue


During normal processing of emails, MailArchiva is very memory efficient. However, in contrast, the PST import feature can consume quite a bit of memory when importing very large PST files (3 GB+). Thus, when planning to import large PST files, it is important to ensure that MailArchiva has sufficient memory allocated as described in Memory Issues.

Missing Folder Information


By default, the search interface does not include folder information. To enable folder view, select Always in Show Tree View field (accessible from Configuration->Search)


Corrupted Database


Error: error retrieving item from db:null


Stop the server

Rename [application data]/database to [application data]/database_bak

Start the server


Exchange Import


401 (401)Unauthorized


  1. Confirm that impersonation is still setup for the journal account
  2. Ensure Basic Authentication is enabled for EWS and Auto Discover.
    1. Within the Exchange Admin Center, choose Servers -> Virtual Directories
    2. In EWS (Default Web Site), select the pencil to edit
    3. Choose Authentication and check Basic authentication. Save.
    4. In Auto Discover, select the pencil to edit.
    5. Choose Authentication and check Basic authentication. Save.


Exchange Server FQDN (Not IP Address!)


The Server field in the Exchange Connection must contain a fully qualified domain name (not an IP address!!!).


Unable to establish connection with Exchange


Please refer to Cannot Connect To Exchange for exchange connection related troubleshooting steps (e.g. unable to access mailbox, impersonation failed, etc.).

Service unavailable

If you get "service unavailable", you may have IIS connection limits defined which are preventing MailArchiva from completing the import. To remove these limits, follow the steps following:


Open IIS7 and navigate to SERVERNAME\Sites\SBS Web Applications
Under Actions/Configure click Limits.
Untick “Limit Number of connections”.


Missing Folder Information


By default, the search interface does not include folder information. To enable folder view, select Always in Show Tree View field (accessible from Configuration->Search)
Speed Up Exchange Import (Exchange Throttling)

Some users have reported that exchange imports slow over time. To prevent this from happening, please remove the throttling policies as apply to EWS.

New-ThrottlingPolicy -Name mailmigration -EWSFindCountLimit $null -EWSFastSearchTimeoutInSeconds $null -EWSMaxConcurrency $null -EWSMaxSubscriptions $null -EWSPercentTimeInAD $null -EWSPercentTimeInCAS $null -EWSPercentTimeInMailboxRPC $null

$b = Get-ThrottlingPolicy mailmigration;
Set-Mailbox -Identity <impersonate mailbox> -ThrottlingPolicy $b;


EML Import




There are several reasons why the number of imported emails may not correlate with the count of emails residing in the MailArchiva system. They are:


  • MailArchiva applies de-duplication to imported emails. Thus, if there are duplicate emails in the source import folder, the doc count in MailArchiva may be considerably (though not hugely) less.
  • Ensure that all emails in the source folder have the same read permissions set. If MailArchiva cannot read the source folder, the emails will not be imported.
  • If the email data resides on a network share, ensure that the MailArchiva service is running under an account that has sufficient rights to read all email files from the share (Windows)
  • Ensure that you are using the Doc Count of the current ACTIVE volume as your guide. You can find the doc count in Status->Volumes

  • After the import process is completed (as indicated in Status->Processes), emails may still be busy importing. This is because MailArchiva has an internal mail queue that operates independently from the import process. The size of the queue is outputted in Status->Summary.

  • Ensure that the EML files are formatted correctly according to the RFC822 spec.

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