Search Macros


Search macros provide an easy way of looking for specific data. They can be used in search, retention rules and role view filter definition.


Macro Description Example Version Compatibility  
%email% email addresses of current logged in user anyaddress:%email% will search for all emails addressed to the current logged-in users email address v3 or greater  
%domain% domains of current logged in user anyaddress:%domain% will search for all emails associated with the domains of the current logged in user v3 or greater  
%mastercard% any Mastercard credit card number body:%mastercard% will search for an email body containing Mastercard formatted credit card numbers. v4.1.7 or greater  
%visa% any Visa credit card number body:%visa% will search for email bodies containing Visa-formatted credit card numbers. v4.1.7 or greater  
%amex% any American Express credit card number body:%amex% will search for email bodies containing American Express formatted credit card numbers. v4.1.7 or greater  
%ssn% any Social Security number body:%ssn% will search for bodies of emails containing US social security numbers v4.1.7 or greater  
 %unrecognized% all emails containing one or more attachments that cannot be indexed due to an unrecognized format attachments:%unrecognized% v5 or greater  
 %encrypted% all emails containing attachments that were encrypted or the emails themselves are encrypted body:%encrypted% v5 or greater  
%external% matches all external domains to:%external% with find all emails to any domain not listed in the internal domains list (specified in Configuration->Domains) v7.3 or greater  
%internal% matches all internal domains to:%internal% with find all emails to any domain in the internal domains list (specified in Configuration->Domains) v7.3 or greater  

Email us if you think of any other macros that would be useful in future.


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