

The tagging facility enables one to assign a selection of emails to a tag name. At any stage, emails associated with a tag can be recalled. It is different to the Save Search feature in that the actual search query is not saved - only selected emails. 


The tagging feature is useful when fulfilling email records requests. For example, say specific emails are requested for auditing purposes, these emails can be tagged with a request ID such that all the emails associated with the request can be referred to at a later stage. 




Save Tag 


To tag a selection of items:


  1.  perform a search in the usual way
  2. Click the checkboxes corresponding with the emails to be included in the tag
  3. Click the Tag icon in the Search Toolbar (to the right of Deselect All)
  4. Enter a tag name in the box
  5. Click Save Tag button

Load Tag


To recall emails associated with items:


  1. Click the Tag icon in the Search Toolbar (to the right of Deselect All)
  2. Enter the first couple of letters of the tag name in the tag entry box, a drop down should appear, select the tag name.
  3. Select the desired saved tag name
  4. Click the down arrow beside the tag button
  5. Click Load Tag

All emails associated with the tag should be retrieved and displayed in the search results.


Share Tag


To share tags and their items with team members:


  1. Click the Tag icon in the Search Toolbar (to the right of Deselect All)
  2. Enter the first couple of letters of the tag name in the tag entry box, a drop-down should appear. Select the tag name.
  3. Select the desired saved tag name
  4. Click the down arrow beside the tag button
  5. Click Share Tag
  6. Start by entering the email address of a person who should be granted access to the tag, a drop down will appear with the email address. Select it.
  7. Click Ok.
  8. Next time the target user logs in, that user should access the tag and its items.
Note: In order to share a tag with an existing user, that user must have logged into MailArchiva at least once before.


Discuss Tag


To collaborate in real-time with team members regarding a specific tag:


  1. Click the Tag icon in the Search Toolbar (to the right of Deselect All)
  2. Enter the first couple of letters of the tag name in the tag entry box, a drop down should appear, select the tag name.
  3. Select the desired saved tag name
  4. Click the down arrow beside the tag button
  5. Click Discuss Tag
  6. A chat Window will appear, allowing you to chat with all users to whom the tag has been shared (see Share Tag above to add users to the chat).


Note: Tag chats are persistent, and occur in real-time.


Export Tag Items


To export the items associated with a tag:


  1. Click the Tag icon on the Search Toolbar (to the right of Deselect All)
  2. Enter the first couple of letters of the tag name in the tag entry box, a drop down should appear, select the tag name.
  3. Select the desired saved tag name
  4. Click the down arrow beside the tag button
  5. Click Export Tag
  6. An export dialog will appear. Choose export options. Click Export.



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