System Requirements



Technical Requirement


Operating Systems

All OS's must be 64 bit
Modern 64 bit version of Microsoft Windows / Windows Server

Modern 64 bit version of Linux distro's (works on most popular distributions)
e.g. Ubuntu Server LTS, Redhat Enterprise Linux, SUSE Enterprise Server



Eclipse Temurin Java 21 (no need to download JRE, it is included in the setup)

App Server Tomcat 10.1  

Disk Storage

Compatible with most Storage Area Networks (SANs) and
Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices
NTFS, ext3, ext4 or ZFS partitioning



Varies widely according to no. mailboxes


Mail Servers

Microsoft Exchange 2007-2019
Microsoft Small Business Server
Google Apps / Gmail

Microsoft Office 365
IPSwitch IMail
Lotus Domino
Postfix (and derivates, Apple Mail Server, etc.)
Sendmail (and derivates)
Neon Insight
Communigate Pro

Microsoft 365 (Office 365)
(addiitonal mail servers are known to work, please contact us)


Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11 and greater

Note: Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Mode must be switched off!

Note#2: Google Chrome is recommended for administration purposes



Small Biz Server - 1.5 GB RAM minimum (excluding OS)

SME Server - 3 GB RAM (excluding OS)

Enterprise Server - 7-32 GB RAM



1 GB recommended



VM Note: MailArchiva can run VM environments (e.g. VMWare), however bare metal is preferred. Ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to the virtual machine.


No Third Party Software: Aside from the operating system, no additional third party software is required.


Drive Space Estimates

Adjust no. of mailboxes and retention period in the red cells below to obtain a rough estimate of the drive space required for your organization.



NFS vs ISCSI: In environments where high throughput archiving is needed, the use of sharing protocols (e.g. NFS/SMBFS) for mounting external file systems is not an appropriate choice. Our tests show that archiving performance is at least 50 - 100 percent faster on drives mounted using ISCSI/ethernet vs file systems mounted using NFS/ethernet.


CPU And Memory

MailArchiva is a high-performance, multithreaded application. As a consequence, it will utilize multiple CPU cores where possible.


No Mailboxes Low No.
CPU Cores

(2 GHZ)
High No.
CPU Cores

(2 GHZ)
Available RAM
(excluding OS)
0 - 100 2 6 3 GB
100 – 499 mailboxes 4 8 6 GB
500-999 mailboxes 6 12 10 GB
1000+ mailboxes 8 16 20 GB
10,000+ mailboxes 24 32 40 GB


Memory Note: To make full use of available memory, it is recommended to deploy MailArchiva on a 64 bit operating system. 


Storage Guide



Data Type Description Recommendation Storage
Archive data Actual archived information Reliable storage SAN/local drives. Use RAID for reliability. Local or SAN storage. Due to reliability issues, the use of NAS storage with mapped drives  via NFS/SMBFS is generally not recommended for archiving purposes. It is possible that NAS with iSCSI may work better. Disk One
Index data Search engine indexes Fast high latency disks. Fast 10/15K SAS drives striped in a RAID configuration. if budget allows, we recommend the use of SSD drives. SSD drives have very low latency and are ideally suited for search engine use. This recommendation applies to 500 mailboxes and above. Fast disks are not necessary for smaller deployments as the size of the indexes will be smaller. For large environments, it is particularly important to deploy fast disks for the index information. Disk Two
Variable data Logging information and audit log Care should be taken to ensure there is enough space for logging and audit information. All system activity is logged. Thus, the size of the logs can build up fast. Disk Two

Variable data

Queues MailArchiva maintains an internal archive queue. This queue can build up fast, if there is a sudden rush of traffic or if the server is not archiving due to misconfiguration. There is the possibility to restrict the amount of messages in the queue. Disk Two
Variable data Graph database The graph database contains folder structures other meta information about email messages. If folder sync is enabled, the size of the variable data partition is substantially larger. Estimates in the table below are inclusive of folder structures. Disk Two
Operating system Operating system N/A  

* Disk One - SAN / local SAS disks

* Disk Two - SSD / 15k SAS disks


Linux / Solaris Partitioning


We recommend creating partitions for /mnt/index, /mnt/archive and /mnt/data. Thereafter, create symlinks as described below.


Partition Partition Drive Space Performance Req. Usage Symlink Destination Path
Root / 25GB  (incl. OS) regular storage Program Files /opt/mailarchiva n/a
Index /mnt/index 4% fast random access Index Data /var/opt/vol/index /mnt/index
Archive /mnt/archive 92% regular redundant storage Archive Data /var/opt/vol/archive /mnt/archive
Data /mnt/data 4% fast random access Configuration /etc/opt/mailarchiva /mnt/data/etc/opt/mailarchiva
.. .. .. fast random access Logs /var/log/mailarchiva /mnt/data/var/log/mailarchiva
.. .. .. fast random access Graph DB & Queue /var/opt/mailarchiva /mnt/data/var/opt/mailarchiva


  • Ensure that the Swap is disabled
  • Ensure to install MailArchiva on a 64 bit version of Linux
  • There is no need to install Java since it is already bundled with MailArchiva.


Extra Tips For Large Enterprise Environment


These tips apply to deploying MailArchiva in large enterprise environments (>1000 mailboxes):


  • Experience suggests we should not recommend the use of Network Attached Storage (NAS) combined with network file sharing protocols (SMBFS/NFS) for archiving purposes.
  • We recommend the use of either local RAID or SAN storage with fibre channel
  • From a performance standpoint, the use of bare metal servers is preferred.
  • Can run MailArchiva inside a virtual machine. However, is not recommended on systems with extremely high load
  • If skills are available, we suggest running MailArchiva on Linux, although Windows will do
  • We recommend not to enable volume rollover (this can be done manually).

Example: One of our banking sector customers (6000 mailboxes) initially ran MailArchiva in a virtual machine and used a top branded NAS for remote storage. After moving their server to bare metal servers with SAN storage (data) and local SSD (indexes), the performance and reliability of the solution was greatly improved.


The below startserver script is used in a very large installation of 

# MailArchiva Enterprise Edition Start Server Script
# Visit for more information on this product
umask 022
# tune glibc memory allocation, optimize for low fragmentation
# limit the number of arenas
# disable dynamic mmap threshold, see M_MMAP_THRESHOLD in "man mallopt"
export MALLOC_TOP_PAD_=131072
export MALLOC_MMAP_MAX_=65536
#export LD_PRELOAD_64;
export CATALINA_BASE=/var/opt/mailarchiva/tomcat
export JAVA_OPTS="-d64 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export CATALINA_OPTS="-server -XX:+AggressiveOpts -Dversion=enterpriseedition -Dhardmount=yes -Xms64g -Xmx64g \
-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=512g -Dgraphdb.cache.size=64 -Dstorage.diskCache.bufferSize=8192 \
-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:+CMSConcurrentMTEnabled -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled \
-XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC -XX:+CMSScavengeBeforeRemark \
-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=80 -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly \
-XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow \ \ \ \ \ \
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname= \
-Xloggc:/var/log/gc-$(date +%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M).log -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime \
-XX:HeapDumpPath=/mnt/archive-four/java_pid%p.hprof -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError \
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
ulimit -n 128000
ulimit -v unlimited
bash $MAILARCHIVA_HOME/server/bin/


Proceed to Quick Setup...


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