What's New V7


Modern User Interface


MailArchiva's user interface has been modernized and improved upon. Not only is the use of UI elements more consistent, but the UI as a whole aligns with modern UI design trends. Most aspects of the UI have been refreshed, including login, search and configuration.



Share Tags


To facilitate collaboration among e-Discovery researchers and auditors,  MailArchiva V7 brings the possibility for team members to share tags and tagged items with one another. Simply select a tag, and share it with one or more other recognized users. Thereafter, fellow team members can lookup and work together on the shared tag (i.e. add/remove/export items).














e-Discovery Chat


Collaboration among e-Discovery researchers and auditors is further encouraged, by enabling e-Discovery team members to engage in real-time discussions on specific cases. The e-Discovery chat function not only enables users logged in at the same time to communicate with one another regarding specific e-Discovery cases, but the chat function also serves as useful record of the work done on a particular case. For record keeping purposes, the system maintains an historical record of all e-Discovery discussions.



The export function also includes the ability to export e-Discovery chats.


Export Tagged Items


A crucial aspect of the e-Discovery process, is to supply relevant records to the requesting authorities. The Tag Export enables one to conveniently export tagged information to a variety of formats including PST, PDF, EML, MBOX and MSG.



Shared Mailboxes


MailArchiva V6 offered the ability to share mailboxes between users by modifying the view filter of a user's role. However, it suffered from the limitation that only the data itself could be shared, not the folder structures. In other words, the folders associated with shared data were not visible in the folder view.


In contrast, MailArchiva V7 now has the ability to intelligently expose folder structures according to the query defined in a role's view filter. Thus, the users to whom a mailbox is shared, are able to view the relevant folders associated with the shared mailbox.


Volume Format


MailArchiva V7 defaults to the new V3 volume format. It has numerous benefits including: 256-bit AES encryption, Zlib compression, unlimited volume size, low memory footprint, blazing fast and protection against data corruption.


SMTP Receive Restriction


To prevent SPAM, restrict SMTP listener to receive traffic using specific Mail From or Rcpto headers.



New Search Macros


Two additional search macros have been added:

  • %external% execute a search matching all external domains
  • %internal% execute a search matches all internal domains

For example,  to:%external% with find all emails to any domain not listed in the internal domains list (specified in Configuration->Domains)


Data Import


Simplified drag 'n drop data import. In addition, when importing from server, there is the option to delete or rename successfully processed files, so that one can easily identify remaining files that could not be processed for any reason. Furthermore, an addition to auto detection of PST owner's email address, it is possible to include a text file indicating the mapping between owner email address and PST file. 



Data Export


Added an option to disable fetch images from Internet, so that PDF exports occur faster. In addition, export operations have been significantly improved both in terms of performance and reliability.


Graph DB Micro Service


It is now possible for both MailArchiva On Premise and MailArchiva Multitenant (MT) to run MailArchiva's internal Graph database independently, for instance, on another server connected to the LAN. This decoupled configuration isolates MailArchiva from the Graph DB  function. In doing so, it ensures that data corruption is unlikely to occur in the event that MailArchiva has difficulty shutting down or should its process end abruptly. Furthermore, it is also a useful way for large enterprise clients to split the processing and I/O load across multiple servers. 


Graph DB Clustering, Backup And Snapshots


MailArchiva's Graph database may be configured to support clustering, backup and automated snapshots. These deployment options enable one to offer redundancy, such that the service is not compromised in the event of database corruption.


Multi-Tenant (MT):  Index Replication

Index corruption due to hardware failure or otherwise can be problematic, since even though it is possible to regenerate an index, the reindexing process itself can take a long time to complete, and during which time users would not have access to the full set of search results. To cater for this disaster scenario, MailArchiva MT V7 has the ability to perform automated replication of all search indexes referenced by running applications. Index replication ensures that MailArchiva services can be promptly and accurately restored in the event of index corruption.


When MailArchiva is fronted by a proxy such as Nginx or Apache, the headers X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Port, X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-For are used to ensure that audit information contains the correct ip address and port info.







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