What's New V8
The main focus with the MailArchiva V8 release is to improve the e-Discovery experience such that it is quicker and easier to perform searches and analyze the results.
Date format
Each user has the ability to define a custom date format in accordance with a specified date pattern. By default, the date format is set to smart, and will adjust automatically depending on the context. For example, depending when a message was sent in relation to the current time, the date column may output Yesterday 3:00pm, or Today 1:00am.
Client locale
The user may specify a custom defined locale for the purposes of selecting a desired language. This makes it possible for a user using a browser whose locale is set to French, to override that setting, and to switch the user interface to English.
Time zone
The user may now select a time zone. In doing so, it is possible for multiple e-discovery researchers to work off the same time zone, even though they may reside in countries spanning across multiple time zones.
Address format.png?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kemY4dnF2MjRlcWhnLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L3VzZXJmaWxlcy8zMDcvMzkzL2NrZmluZGVyL2ltYWdlcy9xdS9pbWFnZSg0KS5wbmciLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3NDE1MzEzODh9fX1dfQ__&Signature=Q70XYi~CVfe-46obJ2wTZOdKCjm3aOYouPX-ZDhZ8FcD3hk4E4W0YB6zvhkj~voTugOiEEkS9odxuZFPp8a1Iq~~W97oURExQCez3qbTzTMUW83fV3kfmQ0ZUvz0vzBFZO55guRYvOx40IOvQ69e5nKF2uv6F7FbPkBiPOQ-0cN1MktpaLQHp0I1cHEaR0A-WqWGqoUVwZkdspTHyLH02Iy~7cgwFmb0RO9mqL4BDgS-LrJ55hJaqIsumxmBfl72qoqixau09Hfno9MabzrULo74pVYKW4da5Ei3R7JceL~NSLyf~gxVpPbj0JiDbNHrKEYdsCLGnR~hiJ5YpOPVaw__&Key-Pair-Id=K2TK3EG287XSFC)
It is now possible to customize how email addresses should be displayed in the search results. For example, in the format "john.doe", or "john.doe@domain.test". Alternatively, MailArchiva will automatically select an appropriate format depending on the context.
Body tip
MailArchiva V8 makes it easier for the user to skim across large numbers of emails without having to open them each up individually. It does so by displaying the first couple of lines of a body beside the subject line in the search table. To take advantage of this feature, those upgrading from earlier versions will be required to update their volume indexes.
Quick preview
The quick preview feature facilitates quick reading of email content by enabling the user to obtain a pop up summary of a message by hovering over the subject line. Again, the intention here is to enable the user to
get the gist of email content, without having to necessarily open each message.
Resize / drag columns
A long time coming - it is now possible to resize and rearrange column positions by dragging them into the desired locations.
Preserve search position & tree state
Folder view state and search position is preserved automatically, such that when a user is automatically logged out due to timeout, and then subsequently log back into the search interface, their position in the search results and tree view is restored to where it was at the time of logout.
Auto complete
MailArchiva maintains a history of all search queries performed by a user. To facilitate fast and accurate entry of queries, on partial entry of a search query, the user is presented with an opportunity to select a matching query in the search history for auto completion.
Get free certificate.png?Policy=eyJTdGF0ZW1lbnQiOlt7IlJlc291cmNlIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9kemY4dnF2MjRlcWhnLmNsb3VkZnJvbnQubmV0L3VzZXJmaWxlcy8zMDcvMzkzL2NrZmluZGVyL2ltYWdlcy9xdS9pbWFnZSg1KS5wbmciLCJDb25kaXRpb24iOnsiRGF0ZUxlc3NUaGFuIjp7IkFXUzpFcG9jaFRpbWUiOjE3NDE1MzEzODh9fX1dfQ__&Signature=WaAuzzJiB8~Czy6G8VynPvhNL7A1Z8z9EB9Kz0e~iWQdaH-Gd9oNIMOxJNwRfDFS1eUsuUuYdvlBLGwmh--0uImJNEPAVqYkm2lAgzAKkwA6f~1yT4Nq49PkM7tuVV8-aBEodbkMT3FzWB8YM55pLAQHRnkGqWAlKanoB8HkU70eKzjqBSzzO9Dnfb2Ki02ZjVd1~XqzXuHK~cjdPaOfzGeU8XGOz8ft3Edqa9YmHlYp0Vqc1CHBeWuP-hwAlOzcKE52DIu-TtuVtUN4geJybFqp2Iqbq5dl6vpCskwZCiszuaKrIoQ9dMCSLSq2bvCrFM~lYhI9yv5BJgWcAVtGjw__&Key-Pair-Id=K2TK3EG287XSFC)
To eliminate the cost of purchasing an x.509 certificate and simplify the process protecting the web console with HTTPS, MailArchiva now includes the ability to automatically obtain a free digital certificate from Let's Encrypt using the ACME protocol. Go to Configuration->Certificates, click on "Get free cert", enter storage alias and FQDN of MailArchiva server, MailArchiva will automatically obtain and install a Let's Encrypt certificate. Furthermore, for further convenience, the full CA certificate chain to root will be installed automatically. In addition, when the server certificate is close to expiry, it will be renewed automatically without necessitating user intervention.
Further Cosmetic Improvements
Additional cosmetic enhancements were made; namely:
- Reset and search buttons moved inside the search bar
- Object type selection moved to search drop down
- Cleaned up buttons on the search toolbar
- Separate config menu items into categories
MailArchiva's REST API is updated to support modern conventions, including, authentication using an Api key. Furthermore, the REST documentation is published automatically with the product, and is accessible at http://localhost:8090/api-docs.
TOTP 2-Factor Authentication
SMS-based two factor authentication is replaced with TOTP 2-Factor Authentication. Now, users can authenticate using mobile apps such as Google Authenticator.
Found this information useful? Visit mailarchiva.com to learn more about MailArchiva.