Install automation

Refer to MailArchiva install for MailArchiva On-Premise installation instructions. The article below is relevant for those who wish to automate their install/update processes.


Keeping track of product changes (Rss changelog)

MailArchiva updates are published via the Rss feed, thus it is possible to keep track of product updates using any capable Rss reader. The commands below show how to view MailArchiva's changelog using the Linux-based Newsboat Rss reader.


apt-get install newsboat
sudo nano ~/.newsboat/urls
add the line "", then Ctrl+x, save.
newsboat, then press N for next.


Get the latest MailArchiva On-Premise download info


The command below outputs information on available downloads for all available platforms (Windows, Linux and WAR)


curl -sS

{"productId":"MAONPREM","productName":"MailArchiva On Premise","version":"8.11.37","changeLog":"<p>[AR-2835] - Multitenant: receive from single instance only<br>[AR-2836] - Multitenant: services wont start due to null keystore<br>[AR-2827] - remove call back FoundBlob from Store</p>","distributions":[{"publishDate":"2022-12-30T06:55:00","downloadUrl":"","sha256Hash":"3cec7f4b72ea73374ca77a6033e775acba034879be0fb86ddabbdb5bc42bbbee","operatingSystem":"LINUX","fileSize":338405983},{"publishDate":"2022-12-30T06:40:00","downloadUrl":"","sha256Hash":"5249a5c5ec773b6ec11e5d7b6104dc0964d401fdd9156343829d0814af1e37b7","operatingSystem":"WAR","fileSize":285479260},{"publishDate":"2022-12-30T06:54:00","downloadUrl":"","sha256Hash":"b970e0050e10ea9c31e52e8f5b620ed2092818cba452af34f43e5f325881f9c5","operatingSystem":"WINDOWS","fileSize":327706537}]}


Get the latest MailArchiva-On-Premise OS download info


The command below outputs download info for Linux. Substitute "linux" for "windows" or "war" to change the desired platform.




Get info on the latest MailArchiva-On-Premise OS download within specific versions



Get info on a specific version of MailArchiva-On-Premise OS download




Installing the latest version of MailArchiva-On-Premise Linux


The install automation facilities above can be used to install the latest version of MailArchiva Linux.


curl -sS | grep -oP '"downloadUrl": *"\K[^"]*' | xargs curl | tar -xz -C /tmp && cd /tmp/mailarchiva* && ./install


Updating MailArchiva to the latest version (WAR update)


curl -sS | grep -oP '"downloadUrl": *"\K[^"]*' | xargs curl | tar -xz -C /tmp && cd /tmp/mailarchiva* && ./install


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