

  1. edit /usr/local/mailarchiva/server/profiler/ at the line:
  2. export CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx256m -Xms256m -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M"
  3. Change -Xmx256m to Xmx512m or whatever you think the minimum heap size you can get away with is.
  4. Try to keep the maximum heap size value reasonable, as if you do not, the Profiler will slow to crawl.
  5. /usr/local/mailarchiva/server/stopserver
  6. /usr/local/mailarchiva/server/profiler/
  7. your server should be listening on port 10,001 (to check telnet localhost 10001)
  8. (ask your network guys to port forward 10,001 to that box


  1. Download the attached file
  2. Create c:\profile directory and unpack into it
  3. Add "c:\profile\win32" (Win32) or "c:\profile\win64" (Win64) to your PATH, via Control Panel, System, Advanced, Environment Variables.
  4. Right click task tray applet, select Configure, choose Java tab. In Java Options box, add "-agentlib:yjpagent"
  5. Restart the server
  6. Your server should be listening on port 10,001 (to check telnet localhost 10001)
  7. Ask your network guys to port forward 10,001 to that box

YourKit Profiler Setup

Note: You do not need to perform this step if StimulusSoft will be performing the troubleshooting for you

  1. Install an eval version of theYourkit profiler from
  2. Connect to the instance running on the target machine
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