v6 Changelog

6.4.4 (12 March 2018)

[AR-2028] – volume marked erroneously as unreadable + change volume signature key

6.4.3 (9 January 2018)

[AR-1977] – role assignment by role id

6.4.2 (20 December 2018)

[AR-1182] – export or download file with non ASCII encoding
[AR-1975] – server wont shutdown when Azure busy acquiring token

6.4.1 (13 December 2018)

[AR-1947] – should be possible to merge into an UNUSED volume
[AR-1958] – possibility for volumeinfo to zero out on full disk space
[AR-1964] – NPE when BlobExportProcess can’t init export file
[AR-1965] – failed to record statistic: null
[AR-1967] – failed to parse search query: date format issue?
[AR-1971] – failed to shutdown database:The current database instance is not active on the current thread
[AR-1972] – threading service: orientdb null ptr exception in graph.shutdown()
[AR-1974] – divide by 0 on progress when total < 100

6.4.0 (5 December 2018)

[AR-1942] – volume rollover algorithm improvements and fixes

6.3.27 (3 December 2018)

[AR-1960] – wrong free store value on windows
[AR-1956] – refactoring of volume logic and expanded test cases
[AR-1963] – Azure auth: AADSTS54005: OAuth2 Authorization code was already redeemed

6.3.24 (20 November 2018)

[AR-1949] – failed to export blobs where volume id is missing
[AR-1950] – PDF export fails on encrypted attachment
[AR-1951] – PDF export: Missing root object specification in trailer.
[AR-1954] – TempService could generate already exist file
[AR-1955] – failed getView() for WordBlob 6.3.22 (16 November 2018)
[AR-1946] – volumeinfo is not updated when volume status changed and saved
[AR-1953] – PDF export: unable to parse the document access denied 6.3.20 (29 October 2018)
[AR-1942] – failed to rollover 6.3.19 (28 October 2018)
[AR-1940] – PDF export: Missing root object specification in trailer.

6.3.17 (17 October 2018)

[AR-1929] – export with authenticity report enabled outputs bad zip file

6.3.16 (11 October 2018)

[AR-1927] – send button don’t work
[AR-1925] – unable to export search results in HTML
[AR-1926] – csv export miss-match headers and columns

6.3.14 (9 October 2018)

[AR-1924] – email body not indexed in some environments

6.3.13 (2 October 2018)

[AR-1922] – server not exiting on shutdown
[AR-1923] – new volume rollover path incorrect

6.3.12 (25 September 2018)

[AR-1917] – don’t apply exchange throttle on (401)Unauthorized
[AR-1918] – Exchange throttle prevent server to shutdown
[AR-1919] – unable to create retention rule
[AR-1920] – undefined role on invalid password attempt
[AR-1921] – static analysis cleanup of potential resource leak/s (not definitive)

6.3.11 (14 September 2018)

[AR-1914] – multitenant: add REST API function to retrieve license info
[AR-1915] – can’t save configuration due to volume same path issue

6.3.10 (13 September 2018)

[AR-1913] – multitenant: central REST API fixes 6.3.9 (11 September 2018)
[AR-1912] – REST API: brute force protection waits too long

6.3.8 (10 September 2018)

[AR-1901] – unnecessary database service is not started errors on startup
[AR-1905] – create volume validation: verify rollover volume path is valid
[AR-1908] – default to search to sent date

6.3.7 (4 September 2018)

[AR-1896] – status summary: null ptr
[AR-1899] – duplicate volume external paths should be allowed
[AR-1900] – exponential backoff on exchange sync error (lower CPU & network utilization)

6.3.6 (28 August 2018)

[AR-1895] – aspose PST: :failed obtain mime type from item class
[AR-1893] – multitenant: isp wizard should take volumeformat from template
[AR-1894] – multitenant: add view online demo from self-service signup page
[AR-1892] – failed to lookup volume id

6.3.4 (27 August 2018)

[AR-1888] – save role permission changes
[AR-1885] – multitenant: large no of status threads
[AR-1886] – multitenant: large number of LinuxWatchService threads

6.3.3 (20 August 2018)

[AR-1884] – aspose PST import NullPointerException

6.3.2 (14 August 2018)

[AR-1882] – graph build process is case sensitive
[AR-1883] – rest api: get stack overflow

6.3.1 (9 August 2018) Bug Fixes

[AR-1877] – no class def found: org/threeten/bp/temporal/TemporalAdjuster
[AR-1876] – major pst import refactoring
[AR-1878] – core log level set to debug irrespective Features
[AR-1879] – login to web console using IMAP/POP 6.3.0 (22 July 2018)
[AR-1873] – config interface: menu divider on the left side is not movable New Features
[AR-1848] – refactor, extend and improve REST api
[AR-1875] – support for Native OpenSSL TLS (performance improvement)

6.2.13 (22 July 2018)

[AR-1871] – autoupdate not functioning due to System.exit(..) in context destroy

6.2.10 (20 July 2018)

[AR-1867] – before after date set reset to 0
[AR-1868] – null ptr when removing wizard application
[AR-1869] – Comparison method violates its general contract!
[AR-1870] – websocket remove null ptr exception

6.2.9 (18 July 2018)

[AR-1864] – unable to import from some non english PSTs (internationalization issue)
[AR-1865] – strip password protected PSTs of their passwords during import
[AR-1866] – export to pdf with docx attachment not rendering

6.2.8 (16 July 2018)

[AR-1855] – AutoSearchService cant get principal to restrict search for user {admin}
[AR-1863] – attachments not rendered in pdf export 6.2.7 (5 July 2018)
[AR-1856] – master role changed by load settings
[AR-1858] – fix various queuing engine issues
[AR-1859] – multitenant & HA: queuing engine may defer processing of items in the queue 6.2.6 (30 June 2018)
[AR-1853] – failed to upload manifest with digital cert to azure. 6.2.5 (27 June 2018)
[AR-1741] – encrypt blob store connection credentials
[AR-1847] – forward all archived email without specification of receive connection in routing
[AR-1851] – share Chiper instance in thread local

6.2.4 (19 June 2018)

[AR-1821] – jclouds library not functioning correctly due to json lib incompatibility
[AR-1846] – failed retrieve blob from legacy B2 bucket

6.2.3 (15 June 2018)

[AR-1841] – infinite loop on license check error
[AR-1843] – failed to generate certificate request (bouncy castle library version mismatch!)
[AR-1844] – message body not indexed under specific circumstance
[AR-1845] – signature check failed in free mode
[AR-1842] – use simultaneously config_category defined by application and user 6.2.2 (14 June 2018)
[AR-1783] – export process says complete but progress bar doesn’t appear complete
[AR-1803] – when export with include authencity report checked doesn’t output authenticity report
[AR-1836] – prevent shared scheduler from cancelling due to runtime exception
[AR-1837] – output message if volume rollover failed
[AR-1838] – add mailbox count diagnostic line
[AR-1839] – fix noisy auto search log output
[AR-1840] – volumes with no volumeinfo should have unmounted status, not init
[AR-1801] – tagging: user needs feedback when tag add/delete/save operations performed
[AR-1802] – process status dialog outputs -1 in active process 6.2.1 (12 June 2018)
[AR-1833] – return empty MimeMessageBlob from store
[AR-1835] – failed to index blob:attempt to unlock read lock, not locked by current thread 6.2.0 (8 June 2018)
[AR-1806] – BackBlaze limit number of buckets to 100
[AR-1826] – some attachments present on search but not in view
[AR-1827] – merge volumes infinitive loop if blob can’t be read
[AR-1828] – scroller requires datatables 1.10.1 or greater
[AR-1829] – ability to select volume format in wizard
[AR-1830] – error accessing REST web service api
[AR-1831] – refactored queuing engine
[AR-1832] – google apps auth failure: please authorize additional scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile
[AR-1784] – support same folder structure for external store as for V3 format 6.1.10 (29 May 2018)
[AR-1821] – jclouds library not compatible with updated json lib
[AR-1822] – receive queue not retrying indefinitely, leaves orphan item in queue folder
[AR-1823] – delay restore from isp queue until all apps started
[AR-1825] – orphan items may be left in queue folder on server shutdown whilst archiving heavily
[AR-1824] – restore items if queue db size is 0, yet there are items present in queue folder

6.1.9 (24 May 2018)

[AR-1819] – reindex audit log not working in all circumstances
[AR-1820] – search using regex macro (e.g. %visa%) returns scripting error

6.1.6 (18 May 2018)

[AR-1812] – search selection mismatch export results
[AR-1813] – infinitive loop when merge if blob already exist on merge to volume
[AR-1814] – save pst export with wrong charset 6.1.5 (9 May 2018)
[AR-1811] – multitenant: high contention
[AR-1770] – reduce backblaze operation C cost 6.1.4
[AR-1540] – some inline images not displayed
[AR-1792] – cannot import pst file when message class contains unusual chars
[AR-1809] – volume V3 format writes raw mime body instead of base64 encoded body
[AR-1810] – invalid license always outputs general license check error

6.1.3 Bug Fixes

[AR-1807] – high cpu due to missing v_blob index (only on systems with missing index)

6.1.0 Bug Fixes

[AR-1780] – failed to stop MBOX import process
[AR-1781] – deleting blob from the store twice
[AR-1791] – test pop3 connection could cause infinitive loop
[AR-1795] – multitenant:office 365 and google apps auto setup improvements
[AR-1797] – exchange sync: You must load or assign this property before you can read its value.
[AR-1798] – exchange sync: failed to connect to exchange mailbox: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at NTLMEngineImpl$NTLMMessage.addByte
[AR-1799] – deleting a connection or listener can leave it running if enabled
[AR-1800] – body text not indexed when encountering non declared charset in mimepart
[AR-1802] – process status dialog outputs -1 on process start Improvements
[AR-1793] – search: output incorrect search query syntax
[AR-1794] – search: option to view expanded/actual query submitted to search engine
[AR-1782] – reindexing: volume V1 iteration speed up

New Feature

[AR-1777] – Volume format V3


[AR-1786] – multitenant: delete dialog content pasted in background
[AR-1788] – multitenant: app not deleted from central due to presence of auth log


[AR-1778] – multitenant: on rare occasions, autosetup may get stuck due to auto load
[AR-1779] – multitenant: auto setup doesn’t setup volumes correctly

6.0.26 (17 April 2018)

[AR-1776] – rollover volume path should be taken from last volume path 6.0.25 (16 April 2018)
[AR-1771] – search save and load are not working
[AR-1772] – analytics service related only for added domains
[AR-1773] – unable to authenticate with Zimbra ldap
[AR-1774] – new pop3 connection use default IMAP port numbers
[AR-1775] – volume delete operation doesn’t shutdown index.

6.0.24 (12 April 2018)
[AR-1446] Index message body/attachments settings don’t make any sense
[AR-1769] index page settings show information not related to server.conf

6.0.22 (11 April 2018)

[AR-1758] – Split database from MA in Multitenant Mode
[AR-1767] – ability to select preferred server certificate on smtp listener 6.0.21 (10 April 2018)
[AR 1766] – log tagging operations to audit log 6.0.20 (6 April 2018)
[AR-1764] – unable to perform wizard install with existing website login
[AR-1765] – installing a license erroneously initiates the mailbox count

6.0.19 (5 April 2018)

[AR-1763] – cannot generate certificate due to bouncycastle library mismatch 6.0.18 (4 April 2018)
[AR-502] – download attachment not working 6.0.17 (4 April 2018)
[AR-1761] – Google import outputs Failed to import: null error
[AR-1762] – failed to download attachments 6.0.16 (24 March 2018)
[AR-1749] – Cannot uncheck “notify no receive” option in SMTP listener
[AR-1753] – bulk export: failed to export calendar entry
[AR-1754] – amazon s3 test connection some times failed
[AR-1756] – click on a link in an email should open link in new browser tab
[AR-1757] – infinite loop during sync of specific ical data (high CPU usage)
[AR-1733] – export statistics (output size of export)

6.0.15 (19 March 2018)

[AR-1182] – export or download single file with non ASCII encoding
[AR-1751] – MBOX import fix
[AR-1752] – amazon s3 connection – can’t connect

6.0.14 (1 March 2018)

[AR-1748] – database wont start on older linux system due to JNI incompatibility.

6.0.12 (1 March 2018)

[AR-1735] – logo update issues in Configuration->General
[AR-1743] – multitenant: no available volume on any instance, causes shared queue to stop processing for all instances
[AR-1747] – install license issues

6.0.10 (22 February 2018)

[AR-1062] – volumes disappear from list in instance volume status from Central
[AR-1686] – disk space check not recognizing mount point
[AR-1706] – failed update segment (NullPointerException)
[AR-1708] – druid: failed update segment null ptr
[AR-1712] – process progress bar stops working after config page refreshed
[AR-1713] – browsing folders on local data import outputs repeated root folder entries
[AR-1717] – Scroller requires DataTables 1.10.0 or greater’ when opening Mailarchiva in Outlook
[AR-1719] – multitenant: prevent cell text overflow in application list
[AR-1720] – multitenant: task progress bars differ
[AR-1728] – multitenant: merge process view log window empty
[AR-1729] – volume gui issues
[AR-1737] – Threading service start/stop doesn’t work from Config.
[AR-1739] – block on getApplicationPrincipal
[AR-1740] – restart iap connection creates too many threads
[AR-1718] – show only username in tree view (not full email)

6.0.7 (14 February 2018)

[AR-1710] – failed to establish IMAP/SSL connection
[AR-1711] – config must be not be saved on volume store and index path validation failure
[AR-1709] – importing a volume creates new
[AR-1707] – failed to drop old indexes: storage is not opened.
[AR-1705] – multitenant: exchange thread scheduling slow
[AR-1510] – multitenant: reduce number of threads per instance (scalability)

6.0.1 (1 February 2018)

** NOTE: 6.0 license is required for existing customers to upgrade to this version. Login to the MailArchiva website to upgrade your license key.**


[AR-1697] – After success merge, merged volumes are not deleted
[AR-1699] – authentication: cannot authenticate due to no such email addresses!
[AR-1700] – queue doesn’t process queued items on MT
[AR-1701] – logger could be added twice
[AR-1702] – status->chart may generate an exception, causing failure to apply css in other status sections
[AR-1704] – multitenant: failed subscribe app during gsuite authentication


[AR-1698] – decrease number of application processes
[AR-1703] – retrieve customer info during google gsuite authentication

6.0.0 (26 January 2018)

New Feature

[AR-1581] – Archive to object storage (Blackblaze B2, Amazon S3/Glacier, EMC Atmos, OpenStack Swift, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Archival Storage, Rackspace Cloud Files and Minio)
[AR-1617] – Two factor SMS authentication using Twilio
[AR-1621] – email authenticity report (DKIM, ARC, S/MIME signature checks)
[AR-1682] – backup to cloud object storage & refactoring
[AR-1690] – multitenant: startup / shutdown performance optimizations


[AR-1681] – GUI folder choose treeview infinitive loop
[AR-1694] – volume merging optimization
[AR-1695] – multitenant: start up and stop optimizations


[AR-1677] – multitenant: use one shared thread pool for queue processing
[AR-1691] – multitenant: simplify auto signup to office 365 / google apps


Changelog v5 ...



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