New Language Support


Language Translation


To translate the MailArchiva user interface, create a new file.


1) Stop the server



2) Open English translation inside located at




3) Edit or create a new file in the same location as above


4) Add translations save as (where _es should be replaced with target two letter country code).


5) To ensure special accent characters are displayed correctly, convert the to ASCII using the Java utility native2ascii (available in the Java Development Kit)


5) Verify translations by starting the server and accessing the console using a browser at http://localhost:8090.


The translations should automatically appear if the client browser's language is set to the same language as the resource file.


Adding Additional Search Analyzers

Note: This step is not normally necessary as MailArchiva supports a large number of analyzers out of the box!


By default, MailArchiva can handle the indexing and search of emails in many different languages. If your language is not supported, do not worry, for MailArchiva can easily be extended to support additional languages. MailArchiva uses Lucene as its underlying search engine.

To support additional languages, you need to find a Lucene Analyzer for your target language.

Once you have found your analyzer, download the JAR file and place in


Next, you need to add the following to your server.conf file: search.analyzer.language.1=countrycode search.analyzer.class.1 = full class name


For example, to support Spanish, you would need to download the Lucene Snowball analyzer from here. Install the JAR file as described above. Add the following to your server conf file:



Now if you want to set Spanish as your default language, change the following property on server.conf:



If you want to force MailArchiva to index emails in Spanish and disable auto language detection, you can set language detection to no:

index.language.detect = no
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